
Notranje oblikovanje. 3D-vizualizacija. Izložbe.

To so moja ustvarjalna področja, na katerih ustvarjam drzne nove povezave med arhitekturo in oblikovanjem.

Minimalizem. Mehke barve. Unikatne teksture. Naravni materiali.

Moje delo odčara praktično in pričara estetski užitek. Opremljena z materiali in tehnikami tkem estetiko časa in prostora, narave in umetnega, tradicionalnega in sodobnega. Neživim predmetom in prostorom vdahnem energijo, da se v očeh opazovalcev zaiskri od presenečenja in čustev.

Naj vas moj portfolio navdihne, da se k njemu vračate se znova in znova. Poizvedbe o sodelovanju na e-naslov:  sanja.djorcev@gmail.com 


Interior design. 3D visualization. Window displays. 

These are the media of my work, and through them the bold new connections between architecture and design are created.

Minimalism. Soft colors. Unique textures. Natural materials. 

My work invariably casts away the practical to embrace the aesthetic. Equipped with diverse materials and techniques I weave the aesthetics of time and space, the natural and artificial, the traditional and contemporary. I push energy into mundane spaces and objects to generate the dual spark of surprise and emotion in viewers.

My portfolio is here to generate inspiration in the viewer with hopes that you will return again and again. For collaboration inquiries email sanja.djorcev@gmail.com