Izložba V času zamrznjen trenutek / Frozen Moment Window Display

Prijetna tišina - le ples snežink v daljavi. Pleasant silence - only the dance of snowflakes in the distance.

Bleščeča jutranja zmrzal, mehke odeje in skodelice, polne toplega čaja, nam lepšajo te dni. Zima prinaša mirovanje in priložnost, da čuječe opazujemo lepoto, ki nas obdaja. Bukolične pokrajine je prekril svež sneg, ki ustavi čas. Do popoldneva se sneg počasi stopi in mesto odstopi ostremu zimskemu soncu. Ta izkušnja nam nameni spoznanje, da so minljivi trenutki najlepši. Hitri vtisi so najdragocenejši, ker so minljivi; brez svoje začasne narave bi bili zgolj vsakodnevni. Z njo so vzvišeni.

Sodelovanje z Interrier showroom iz Ljubljane je bilo izjemno dragoceno. Hvala vam za vaš kreativni duh in neverjetno energijo!

Foto: Anže Vrabl 

Glistering morning frost, cozy blankets, and warm cups of tea grace our days this time of year. Winter brings moments of stillness and opportunities for reflection to savor the simple beauty that surrounds us. Time freezes just like the bucolic landscapes blanketed by fresh morning snow. By afternoon the snow lazily melts away in the bright winter sunshine. This experience is the realization that ephemeral moments are the most beautiful. These snapshots are so precious because they are fleeting; without their temporary nature, they would be reduced to the mundane. Instead, these moments are sublime.

It has been such a pleasure working with Interrier showroom, Ljubljana! Thank you all for your creative spirit and incredible energy! 

Photo: Anže Vrabl 
